When thinking about business meetings, you typically imagine a stuffy conference room without windows that you’ll be trapped inside for the next couple of hours.

But that doesn’t always have to be the case—there are plenty of great benefits that come with switching up the routine and organizing your meeting outdoors.

  • Get the creativity flowing! Simply moving outside the office can spur an influx of new ideas.
  • Benefit from relaxing athmosphere. Taking the opportunity to chat on a casual level and open up the conversation beyond work can help people feel more comfortable.
  • Recharge yourself. Being outside is healthy for you. Bring everyone outside for a meeting and reap the health, psychological, and emotional benefits.
Business Meetings with E-mountain bike


Description: Guided tour with e-mountain bike to mountain hut / place in the nature where meeting takes place.

Time: 3 – 6 h

Group: up to 10 persons

Skill level: low-medium

Ideal for: brainstorming meetings, meetings with creative agenda, roundtable discussions